WEB API: What to learn and where

The buzzing key word in the IT industry is “WEB API” and almost all the leading organization have registered there APIs for the world to use. API is an acronym for Application Programing Interface. WEB API is an interface that defines a request-response message system and expressed by either JSON or XML.  By crafting their APIs these companies target the developer as their customer. So for a developer its essential to learn the APIs and their usability for their respective applications.  WEBAPIs are RESTful in nature and as a developer we must know the rules of making our application restful.

We have masters in the world for WEB APIs, but this article targets absolute new comers to the world of WEB APIS. This is like an index for your WEB API learning and I have tried my best to compile as many resource as possible to strengthen your learning. As you read the article and move along the page your interest might increase to add something else that I have missed, make sure to put a comment if you want to suggest something.

Knowing REST

Defining WEB APIs


Training Videos


WEB API Design

API Documentation

List of APIs

HTTP Status Code / Server Header Response




Further Reading

Point to consider (But make your own choice)

  • At max try to use two base URLs per resource  (GET/Lists, GET/Item)
  • Collection goes better with HTTP verbs.

Finally if you are in Indian and want to develop some apps for Indian Railways , there is a API for this as well Smile surprise!!! , check here : http://railpnrapi.com/

Well Keep smiling, till next.


a New address for the blog

I have been using the https://manasdash.wordpress.com/ for quite a long time and services from word press are awesome.

Now this blog will be housed under http://thoughts2share.in/ and still will look like the same old blog without any big differences as I will be using the same wordpress themes to make life easier.

This will be in beta phase and will grow gradually into a full fledged website to share thoughts and expecting permanent and guest bloggers to write and share their thoughts using this domain.

Lots of expectations and excitements are on the way in this journey.

Thanks for your co-operation.
